01 hours 30 minutes
Actor: Emily Blunt, John Krasinski
Director: John Krasinski
Genre: Drama, Hollywood, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Language: English
A Quiet Place 2018 Full Movie Free Download HD 720p The Abbotts are home on their family farm. Lee is in the basement of the farm house where he has set up an extensive surveillance system of cameras and monitors as well as his radio and electronics which he uses in the hope of contacting any other survivors. There are also scores of various news clippings which report of an alien invasion, as well as notes from Lee that read, “blind”, “attack sound”, and “armour”. Evelyn, meanwhile, is in a cellar where she hangs a mobile she has crafted. Evelyn is pregnant. She sets up an oxygen tank which is connected to an infant breathing mask. It sits next to a covered, sound-proof baby crib. Lee has moved up to the top of his grain silo where he looks through pictures of Beau.
A Quiet Place 2018 Full Movie Free Download HD 720p Evelyn asks Regan to tell her father that dinner is ready, which she reluctantly does. After silent prayer, they eat quiet foods on leaves of lettuce instead of plates. Afterwards, Regan and Marcus play Monopoly when he accidentally knocks over a lantern which sets the rug on fire. Lee quickly puts it out, and they quietly wait for the consequences. It seems as though they’ve dodged a bullet but then hear a loud noise on the roof. Lee looks out the window and is startled, but relieved, to see a raccoon fall from the roof. He heads down into the basement to work on a cochlear implant which will help his daughter hear. Evelyn comes down where they share a smile and a set of ear buds as they slow dance to Neil Young’s Harvest Moon.
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